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Create an Instruction (iOS)

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To create an instruction using the Procore app on an iOS mobile device.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permission: 
    • 'Standard' or 'Admin' permissions on the project's Instructions tool. 
  • Additional Information:
    • The Instructions tool is designed specifically for Procore clients in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. 
    • You can configure what items are created with the quick create icon-plus-quick-create-mobile2.png icon, see Configure Quick Create Settings.


  1. Open the Procore app on an iOS mobile device and select a project.
    Note: This loads the Tools screen for the project.
  2. Tap the quick create icon-plus-quick-create-mobile2.png icon and select Instruction.
    Tap the Instructions tool and tap the create icon-plus-quick-create-mobile2.png icon.
  3. Complete the following fields as necessary:
    Note: An asterisk (*) indicates the field is required.
    • Title*: Enter a title for the instruction.
    • Type*: Select the instruction type.
      Note: The instruction types that appear in the list depend on the types that have been added for the project in the Instructions tool's Configure Settings.  
    • Status*: 
      • Draft: Select Draft if you want the instruction to be saved as a draft so that it is not yet sent out to recipients. 
      • Issued: Select Issued if you want the instruction to be issued to the contacts in the 'Attention' and 'Distribution' lists by email after saving.
        Note: After an instruction has been saved as 'Issued', you cannot set it back to 'Draft'.
    • Received From: Select the person that the instruction was received from.
    • Received Date: Select the date that the instruction was received.
    • Attention:
      1. Select one or more contacts from the People, Companies, and Groups tabs that you want to issue the instruction to.
      2. Tap Done to confirm your selection and return to all fields.
    • Distribution:
      1. Select one or more contacts or distribution group to be notified of the instruction.
      2. Tap Done to confirm your selection and return to all fields.
    • Trades:
      1. Select one or more trades that are associated with the instruction.
      2. Tap Done to confirm your selection and return to all fields.
    • Cost Impact
      • Select YesYes (Unknown)NoTBD or N/A to indicate whether there is a cost impact.
      • Tap Save
    • Schedule Impact:
      • Select YesYes (Unknown)NoTBD or N/A to indicate whether there is a schedule impact.
      • Tap Save
    • Private:
      • Tap the toggle ON icon-toggle-on-ios.png  to set the instruction to Private so that it can only be viewed by 'Admin' level users and those selected in the 'Attention' and 'Distribution' fields. 
      • Tap the toggle OFF icon-toggle-off-ios.png  if you want the instruction to be visible to all users with 'Read Only' or higher permissions to the project's Instructions tool. 
    • Description: Enter a description for the instruction.
    • Add Attachment: Tap if you want to add a photo or file to the instruction.
  4. Tap Save

See Also